Application of linear regression analysis in school performance of public high schools in Brazil



Educational Indicators, Regression Analysis, R Software


From 2010 to 2019, according to data released by INEP, there was a reduction in the number of students that make up public High School classes in Brazil and, at the same time, there was a slight increase in the number of daily classes studied. It can also be noted that the pass rate, in the same period, went from 76% to 85%. Given this information, the following questions arise: Does the number of students in the classroom influence learning? Or, will increasing classroom hours result in better learning? Or, even more emphatic, will reducing the number of students in the classroom and increasing the study hours will the result be satisfactory to the point of raising the pass rate? Such questions were analyzed and answered through regression analysis models using the statistical R software. The results obtained by such models state that reducing the number of students in the classroom and/or increasing the study hours will have as an answer an increase in the pass rate, showing that the variables related to the initial questions influence the learning of public High School students in Brazil.

Keywords: Educational Indicators; Regression Analysis; R Software.







Author Biographies

Leandro Rodrigo Morais, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD



Marina Rodrigues Maestre, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS




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How to Cite

Morais, L. R., & Maestre, M. R. (2023). Application of linear regression analysis in school performance of public high schools in Brazil. Sigmae, 12(1), 96–107. Retrieved from