Agricultural commodity price prediction via machine learning algorithms


  • Sergio Nunes Ludovico Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil
  • Ricardo Menezes Salgado Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil
  • Luiz Alberto Beijo Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil
  • Eliseu Cesar Miguel Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil
  • Marcelo Lacerda Rezende Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil


Agribusiness, Forecasting commodity prices, Artificial intelligence


The prediction of values in a time series is the object of study in several fields of knowledge. In the agricultural commodities futures market, this type of information can be used to minimize risks to investments and contribute to the increase in the volume of negotiations of various commodities. As the prices of these assets are influenced by many external variables, predictions are usually made through analysis fundamentalist or technical and this work is carried out by specialists in the field. That restricts the access of individuals who could invest, but does not do so because they do not have this knowledge that is necessary for the survival of this business on the Stock Exchanges. This article discusses computational methods, which involve the following algorithms: k-nearest neighbor; random forest; Artificial neural networks; support vector machine; and extreme gradient boosting applied to historical data for the following commodities: sugar; live cattle; coffee; ethanol; corn; and soybean with the objective of predicting prices in the horizons of one and ten steps ahead using the regression technique. The results show that the predictions of smart models have high short-term performance. In this sense, speculators and hedges can benefit by use the proposed technique as support for decision making.



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How to Cite

Nunes Ludovico, S., Menezes Salgado, R., Beijo, L. A., Miguel, E. C., & Lacerda Rezende, M. (2023). Agricultural commodity price prediction via machine learning algorithms. Sigmae, 11(2), 45–69. Retrieved from



Data Science & Machine Learning